// // 參數: 統計天期(N) // 繪製: 當日估計成交量 // // 支援任何頻率(分鐘/日) // // 計算方式: 依照過去N日, 每日1分鐘累計成交均量(統計天期平均), 算出每分鐘累計成交量的分佈比例, // 然後依照目前的累計日成交量以及分佈比例, 推算當日收盤估計成交量 // input: length(5, "統計天數"); variable: BARPERDAY(270); // 1分鐘bar每一天270筆 array: arr_minvolume[](0); // (過去N日)每日每分鐘累計: 共length * 270筆 array: arr_minvolume_percent[270](0); // (平均)每分鐘累計成交量比例: 共270筆 array: arr_avg_minvolume[270](0); // (平均)每分鐘累計成交量: 共270筆 variable: _i(0), _j(0), _k(0); variable: _totaldays(0); variable: _lastdate(0); Array_SetMaxIndex(arr_minvolume, length * 270); { print(text( "currentbar=", numtostr(currentbar, 0), ",date=", numtostr(date, 0), ",time=", numtostr(time, 0), ",lastdate=", numtostr(_lastdate, 0), ",totaldays=", numtostr(_totaldays, 0) )); } if _lastdate = 0 then begin // 跳過第一個不滿一天的資料 if barfreq = "Min" and time = 090000 then _lastdate = date else begin // 日線的話則從20190101才開始算 if date >= 20190101 then _lastdate = date; end; end; if _lastdate <> 0 and date <> _lastdate then begin _lastdate = date; _totaldays = _totaldays + 1; if _totaldays >= length then begin // 計算過去N天的成交量分佈 // // 因為我可能跑在不同頻率上, 所以要先算出過去N日'1分鐘'資料的起點跟終點 // variable: _start(0), _end(0), _startdate(0), _accvolume(0); _end = 1; while getfield("time", "1")[_end] <> 132900 begin _end = _end + 1; end; _start = _end + BARPERDAY * length - 1; // _start = 統計日期第一日第一筆1分鐘資料的位置 // _end = 統計日期最後一日最後一筆1分鐘資料的位置 // // arr_minvolume[]: 儲存過去N天, 每一分鐘的日累積成交量 // arr_minvolume[1] = 09:00, // arr_minvolume[2] = 09:01 // arr_minvolume[271] = 第二天09:00 // .. _startdate = getfield("date", "1")[_start]; _accvolume = 0; for _i = _start downto _end begin if _startdate <> getfield("date", "1")[_i] then begin // 換日 _accvolume = 0; _startdate = getfield("date", "1")[_i]; end; _accvolume += getfield("volume", "1")[_i]; arr_minvolume[_start - _i + 1] = _accvolume; // 當日累積volume end; // arr_avg_minvolume[]: 每一分鐘的日平均累積成交量 // for _j = 1 to BARPERDAY begin arr_avg_minvolume[_j] = 0; for _i = 1 to length begin arr_avg_minvolume[_j] += arr_minvolume[_j + (_i - 1) * BARPERDAY]; end; end; for _j = 1 to BARPERDAY begin arr_avg_minvolume[_j] = arr_avg_minvolume[_j] / length; end; // arr_minvolume_percent[]: 每一分鐘的日平均累積成交量% // for _j = 1 to BARPERDAY begin arr_minvolume_percent[_j] = arr_avg_minvolume[_j] / arr_avg_minvolume[BARPERDAY]; end; { print(text( "main-date=", numtostr(date, 0), ",", "main-time=", numtostr(time, 0), ",", "start=", numtostr(_start, 0), ",", "end=", numtostr(_end, 0), ",", "startdate=", numtostr(getfield("date", "1")[_start], 0), ",", numtostr(getfield("time", "1")[_start], 0), ",", "enddate=", numtostr(getfield("date", "1")[_end], 0), ",", numtostr(getfield("time", "1")[_end], 0), "," )); for _i = 1 to 270 begin print(text( numtostr(_i, 0), "=", numtostr(arr_minvolume_percent[_i] * 100, 2))); end; } end; end; if _totaldays >= length then begin // 如果已經有分佈資料了, 則計算估計成交量 // variable: _estvolume(0); variable: _timeindex(0); variable: _time(0), _v(0); // 算出目前時間應該是1~270的哪一筆 // 分鐘線的話就用bar的時間 // 日線的話, 如果是歷史日線, 就用收盤時間估算, 如果是最後一天(盤中日線), 用目前時間估算 // if barfreq = "Min" then _time = time else begin if date < currentdate then _time = 132900 else _time = currenttime; end; _timeindex = floor(timediff(_time, 090000, "M")) + 1; _timeindex = minlist(_timeindex, 270); _timeindex = maxlist(1, _timeindex); // 預估量 = 累計到目前的日成交量 / 這個時間點之前所佔的日成交量% // _v = GetField("volume", "D"); if arr_minvolume_percent[_timeindex] > 0 then _estvolume = _v / arr_minvolume_percent[_timeindex] else _estvolume = 0; plot1(_estvolume, "預估量"); end;
input: length(numericsimple); variable: BARPERDAY(270); // 1分鐘bar每一天270筆 array: arr_minvolume[](0); // (過去N日)每日每分鐘累計: 共length * 270筆 array: arr_minvolume_percent[270](0); // (平均)每分鐘累計成交量比例: 共270筆 array: arr_avg_minvolume[270](0); // (平均)每分鐘累計成交量: 共270筆 variable: _i(0), _j(0), _k(0); variable: _totaldays(0); variable: _lastdate(0); Array_SetMaxIndex(arr_minvolume, length * 270); { print(text( "currentbar=", numtostr(currentbar, 0), ",date=", numtostr(date, 0), ",time=", numtostr(time, 0), ",lastdate=", numtostr(_lastdate, 0), ",totaldays=", numtostr(_totaldays, 0) )); } if _lastdate = 0 then begin // 跳過第一個不滿一天的資料 if barfreq = "Min" and time = 090000 then _lastdate = date else begin // 日線的話則從20190101才開始算 if date >= 20190101 then _lastdate = date; end; end; if _lastdate <> 0 and date <> _lastdate then begin _lastdate = date; _totaldays = _totaldays + 1; if _totaldays >= length then begin // 計算過去N天的成交量分佈 // // 因為我可能跑在不同頻率上, 所以要先算出過去N日'1分鐘'資料的起點跟終點 // variable: _start(0), _end(0), _startdate(0), _accvolume(0); _end = 1; while getfield("time", "1")[_end] <> 132900 begin _end = _end + 1; end; _start = _end + BARPERDAY * length - 1; // _start = 統計日期第一日第一筆1分鐘資料的位置 // _end = 統計日期最後一日最後一筆1分鐘資料的位置 // // arr_minvolume[]: 儲存過去N天, 每一分鐘的日累積成交量 // arr_minvolume[1] = 09:00, // arr_minvolume[2] = 09:01 // arr_minvolume[271] = 第二天09:00 // .. _startdate = getfield("date", "1")[_start]; _accvolume = 0; for _i = _start downto _end begin if _startdate <> getfield("date", "1")[_i] then begin // 換日 _accvolume = 0; _startdate = getfield("date", "1")[_i]; end; _accvolume += getfield("volume", "1")[_i]; arr_minvolume[_start - _i + 1] = _accvolume; // 當日累積volume end; // arr_avg_minvolume[]: 每一分鐘的日平均累積成交量 // for _j = 1 to BARPERDAY begin arr_avg_minvolume[_j] = 0; for _i = 1 to length begin arr_avg_minvolume[_j] += arr_minvolume[_j + (_i - 1) * BARPERDAY]; end; end; for _j = 1 to BARPERDAY begin arr_avg_minvolume[_j] = arr_avg_minvolume[_j] / length; end; // arr_minvolume_percent[]: 每一分鐘的日平均累積成交量% // for _j = 1 to BARPERDAY begin arr_minvolume_percent[_j] = arr_avg_minvolume[_j] / arr_avg_minvolume[BARPERDAY]; end; { print(text( "main-date=", numtostr(date, 0), ",", "main-time=", numtostr(time, 0), ",", "start=", numtostr(_start, 0), ",", "end=", numtostr(_end, 0), ",", "startdate=", numtostr(getfield("date", "1")[_start], 0), ",", numtostr(getfield("time", "1")[_start], 0), ",", "enddate=", numtostr(getfield("date", "1")[_end], 0), ",", numtostr(getfield("time", "1")[_end], 0), "," )); for _i = 1 to 270 begin print(text( numtostr(_i, 0), "=", numtostr(arr_minvolume_percent[_i] * 100, 2))); end; } end; end; if _totaldays >= length then begin // 如果已經有分佈資料了, 則計算估計成交量 // variable: _estvolume(0); variable: _timeindex(0); variable: _time(0), _v(0); // 算出目前時間應該是1~270的哪一筆 // 分鐘線的話就用bar的時間 // 日線的話, 如果是歷史日線, 就用收盤時間估算, 如果是最後一天(盤中日線), 用目前時間估算 // if barfreq = "Min" then _time = time else begin if date < currentdate then _time = 132900 else _time = currenttime; end; _timeindex = floor(timediff(_time, 090000, "M")) + 1; _timeindex = minlist(_timeindex, 270); _timeindex = maxlist(1, _timeindex); // 預估量 = 累計到目前的日成交量 / 這個時間點之前所佔的日成交量% // _v = GetField("volume", "D"); if arr_minvolume_percent[_timeindex] > 0 then _estvolume = _v / arr_minvolume_percent[_timeindex] else _estvolume = 0; destvolume=_estvolume; end;
input:day(10,"預估量估算期間"); input:period(20,"均量計算期間"); input:ratio(80," 暴量比例"); if destvolume(day) crosses over average(volume,period)*(1+ratio/100) and close>close[1]*1.01 then ret=1;