input:P1(1000,"暴量張數定義"); if barfreq <> "Tick" then RaiseRuntimeError("請設定頻率為TICK"); variable:BarNumberOfToday(0); if Date <> Date[1] then BarNumberOfToday=1 else BarNumberOfToday+=1;{記錄今天的Bar數} if currenttime < 090500 and date =currentdate {必需在9:05以前發生} then begin {計算拉升時總張數} variable: HighBar(NthHighestBar(1,Close,BarNumberOfToday)); {找到出現最高價那根Bar} variable:idx(BarNumberOfToday-1),PullVolume(0),DropVolume(0); for idx = BarNumberOfToday-1 to HighBar {從開盤那個Bar,拉升到最高點那個Bar,上漲過程累計量} begin PullVolume += volume[idx]; {拉升的量} end; if PullVolume > P1 then ret=1; end;
input: Length(20); setinputname(1,"計算期數"); input: VLength(10); setinputname(2,"均量期數"); input: volpercent(50); setinputname(3,"爆量增幅%"); input: Rate(5); setinputname(4,"離低點幅度%"); settotalbar(3); setbarback(maxlist(Length,VLength)); if Close > Close[1] and Volume >= average(volume,VLength) *(1+ volpercent/100) and Close <= lowest(close,Length) * (1+Rate/100) then ret=1;
input:percent(100); setinputname(1,"量增比例%"); input:Length(200); setinputname(2,"均量期數"); input:XLimit(True); setinputname(3,"限制最低觸發門檻"); input:atVolume(500); setinputname(4,"最低觸發張數"); input:TXT("建議使用分鐘線"); setinputname(5,"使用說明"); variable: AvgVolume(0); settotalbar(Length + 3); AvgVolume=Average(volume,Length); if XLimit then begin if Volume > atVolume and volume > AvgVolume *(1+ percent/100) then ret=1; end else begin if Volume > Volume[1] and volume > AvgVolume *(1+ percent/100) then ret=1; end;
以下腳本程式碼其中有一個 estvolume 自訂函數,在連結的文章中有做介紹,請注意要新增並編譯完成 estvolume 函數腳本後,才能取用此函數到其他腳本中。
input: VLength(20,"均量期數"); input: volpercent(60,"爆量增幅%"); input: r1(5,"區間高低差%"); input: period(30,"盤整最小期數"); if Close crosses above highest(high[1],period)//股價突破盤整區間 and estvolume > average(volume,VLength) *(1+ volpercent/100)//暴量 and highest(high,period)<=lowest(low,period)*(1+r1/100)//先前區間盤整 then ret=1;
input:period(40,"計算區間"); value1=highest(close[1],period); value2=lowest(close[1],period); if value1<value2*1.05 and close>close[2]*1.006 and close crosses over value1 and volume>average(volume[1],20)*1.3 then ret=1;
value1=truerange; value2=highest(value1,20); if value1>value2[1] and value1>value1[1] and close*1.01>high and close>close[1] and volume>1000 then ret=1;
input:r1(7); setinputname(1,"近來漲幅上限%"); SetTotalBar(8); value1 = RateOfChange(close, 12); value2 = lowest(low,3); value3 = lowest(low,8); value4 = lowest(low,13); condition1=false; condition2=false; if value1 < r1 and value2 > value3 and value3 > value4 and close = highest(close,13) then condition1=true; Value5=average(GetField("資金流向")[1],13); if linearregslope(Value5,5) > 0 then condition2=true; if condition1 and condition2 then ret=1;
input:length(20,"布林值計算天數"); variable:up1(0),down1(0),mid1(0),bbandwidth(0); up1 = bollingerband(Close, Length, 2); //以上是計算布林值的上軌值 input: day(9, "日KD期間"); variable:rsv_d(0),kk_d(0),dd_d(0); stochastic(day, 3, 3, rsv_d, kk_d, dd_d); //以上是計算KD值 if kk_d >=80 //KD鈍化 and close crosses over up1 then ret=1;
在新增「突破下降趨勢線」腳本前,請大家記得要先新增 angleprice 自訂函數,此自訂函數的腳本程式碼如下:
input:Date1(numeric),ang(numeric); variable:Date1Price(0); Date1Price =Open[Date1]; value1=tan(ang); value2=date1price*(1+value1*date1/100); angleprice=value2;
新增並編譯完成 angleprice 自訂函數後,即可撰寫「突破下降趨勢線」的腳本:
setbackbar(60); variable:keyprice(0); value1=highestbar(high,20); value2=swinghighbar(close,20,2,2,2); if value2<>-1 then begin value3=angle(date[value1],date[value2]); keyprice=angleprice(value1,value3); if value1>value2 and trueall(close >keyprice,3) and close>keyprice*1.05 and close[40]*1.1<highest(high,20) then ret=1; end;
input: BigBuy(500); setinputname(1,"大戶買單(萬)"); input: BigBuyTimes(10); setinputname(2,"大戶買進次數"); input:TXT("須逐筆洗價"); setinputname(3,"使用限制:"); variable: intrabarpersist Xtime(0);//計數器 variable: intrabarpersist Volumestamp(0); Volumestamp =q_DailyVolume; if Date <> currentdate or Volumestamp = Volumestamp[1] then Xtime =0; //開盤那根要歸0次數 if q_tickvolume*q_Last > BigBuy*10 and q_BidAskFlag=1 then Xtime+=1; //量夠大就加1次 if Xtime > BigBuyTimes then ret=1;
input:Length(5, "計算期數"); input:times(3, "價量背離次數"); input:Dist(20, "距離"); variable:count(0),KPrice(0),hDate(0); count = CountIf(close > close[1] and volume < volume[1], Length); if count > times then begin hDate=Date; Kprice = lowest(l,length); end; Condition1 = Close crosses below Kprice; Condition2 = DateDiff(Date,hdate) < Dist; Ret = Condition1 And Condition2;
condition1=false; value1=GetField("分公司買進家數")[1]; value2=GetField("分公司賣出家數")[1]; value3=value2-value1; value4=countif(value3>20,10); value5=GetField("投信買張")[1]; value6=summation(value5,5); if countif(value6>=1000,60)>=1 then condition1=true; //過去60個交易日投信曾五天買超過2000張 if value4>=6 //最近十天有六天以上,籌碼是收集的 and close[30]>close*1.1 //最近三十天跌超過一成 and condition1 then ret=1;
Input: period(20, "期間(天)"); variable: avg_b(0); value3=GetField("成交金額")/(GetField("Volume")*1000); //當日均價 if GetField("Volume") > 0 then Value5 = GetField("外資買張")*value3 //外資買進金額 else Value5 = 0; Value1 = summation(Value5, period); Value2 = summation(GetField("外資買張"), period); if Value2 > 0 then avg_b = Value1 / Value2; if close crosses over avg_b then ret=1;
variable:IORatio(0),z(1); if GetField("內盤量")[z]<>0 then IORatio=GetField("外盤量")[z]/GetField("內盤量")[z]-1 {每天的內外盤力道比例} else ioratio=ioratio[1]; variable:iHigh(0),iLow(10000); if IORatio > 0.5 then begin iHigh = H; end else if IORatio < -0.5 then begin iLow = L; end; if iHigh crosses over iLow then ret=1;
input:length(5); value1=GetField("開盤委買"); value5=average(value1,100); if value1>4*value5 and value1>200 and close<close[10] then ret=1;